Monday, August 13, 2012


Saying that you tried your best on that faild test
Practicing the song even if you only get to sing along
Going to every class even if you don't pass
Singing with all your heart even if you dont get the part
Being brave enough to dream even if you don't make the team
Trying your best to pray even if its not every day
Still loving your life even if your not yet a wife
Running every second of the race even if its last place

Diligence is not being better then the rest 

It's just simply trying YOUR BEST

Thursday, March 22, 2012

One Day

One day we will walk through the hallways.
One day that is filled filled with no fear.
One day we will be not be ashamed of ourselves.
One day we will be the beautiful girl we see in the mirror.

One day we will conquer.
One day when we are brave.
One day people will look up to us.
One day we wont need to hide in a cave.

One day people will say they love us.
One day people will see that they were wrong.
But as for right now and this day,
we just have to take a breath and be strong.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sing to Breath

The mother pulls out the camera.
The toddler smiles and gives a cute wink.
"Come on baby doll, smile at me and sing."
She opens her mouth and there is silence
and she sings with no care in the world.

Then all of the sudden she's in middle school.
She never talks and never makes eye contact,
but when she is given a solo in chorus
that is the one thing she will do no matter what...
she will sing with no care in the world.

Then she has to save money for her life long dreams.
Singing at bowling allies and bars
with mean, cruel, hate filled people
telling her what to do, and what to say
and they make her sing with no care in the world.

In the car and then a CRASH!!!!!


Laying in a hospital bed lifeless and dull.
Her young daughters come in and say
Mommy, mommy please don't go!!!"
She wanted to calm there tears,
but all she could do for them was
sing to them like she had no care in the world.

And she is in heaven now singing
With Them ..........For Them
To Them........ Because of Them
and doing it with no care in the world.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Answer comes too Late

My shorts are on and my feet are bare.
I'm shaking from head to toe with no jacket
as I walk through the icy frigged water.
My teeth are chattering and my lips... the color of a plum.
My face is pale and I can see in my eyes I'm on the verge of giving up.

Then - suddenly- a brightly colored thing floats right in front of me.
I see what it is and I almost start to cry tears of joy... a scarf.
I grab the scarf and hold it against my face for a long, long time,
as if it held my life between it's treads of pink and brown.
It's thick and warm and warms my face up after a while.

With this new found hope and spring in my step I keep walking.
It doesn't take long for this hope to completely vanish,
leaving me only wanting nothing but more
more warmth, more gifts, and more delightful hope.
Unfortunately the only "more" I get is more icy water.

Then I look to the side of the river and my eyes light up
for right in front of my eyes, right next to the river,
are mile and miles of clothing, hot drinks, and BOOTS!!
I drag my fragile body to the side of the river and pick up everything I can.
I put on the boots first and instantly feel a dramatic difference.
I feel the warmth rising up my body
as I put on hats, gloves, jackets, and coats.
Everything, all the misery, hopelessness
and hatred of myself being foolish enough to not be prepared
all of it has vanished in my new warmth.

Then all the sudden my face starts to get hot.
I feel myself sweating in my new cloths.
I look up at the sky and almost start to cry.
For once again I was too late.
For the cold, frosty, unbearable, winter
has now turned into humid, sticky, hot

Friday, December 23, 2011

This is not a poem.... It's a year

A whole year is a long time
Yes, it is a VERY long time
and yet it can pass us by
as quickly as a shooting star

I try so hard to remember
what I was like a year ago
what type of things did I say
What things did I think of

Would I want to go back
I ask myself again and again
back to the place where I wasn't writing
to the place where I was lost in my own foot steps

I look back and see all of the things
the things that I had to overcome
I don't feel bad for myself though
I'm glad I had those things to climb over

Yes, those things gave me bruises
they made me sad
they made me cry
and they left me sometimes with no hope

But they also made me strong
they made me great full
They made me a better person
they made me a happier me

It's almost funny how bad things
Things that are hard and tough
In the end turn out to be
the good things that you will look back to and love

I've been through a lot this year
some good times and some bad
but in the end
I've grown up this year

and now I wave goodbye
Good bye to a hard year
good bye to a magical year
good bye to MY year.

Before you leave

This is the place where we met.
This is the place where we cried.
This is the place where you told me.
This is the place where inside I died.
This is the place when I realized I loved you,
and before you leave I would like to say.
Darling, my new love, and dear old friend,
please don't go away.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Best Friends in Heaven

They say that your sisters on earth
were your best friends in heaven.
That is something that makes sense
something I think is true.

What about the people with no sisters on earth.
Were they lonely in heaven,
always sad,
always blue?

No those people were best friends
with everyone in heaven.
Best friends with me
and best friends with you.

But that would be
to many sisters on earth.
So God in heaven
knew what to do.

He sent the girls down to earth
to be in a family with all brothers,
because the boys on earth
need a lot of love from a sister too.