Thursday, March 22, 2012

One Day

One day we will walk through the hallways.
One day that is filled filled with no fear.
One day we will be not be ashamed of ourselves.
One day we will be the beautiful girl we see in the mirror.

One day we will conquer.
One day when we are brave.
One day people will look up to us.
One day we wont need to hide in a cave.

One day people will say they love us.
One day people will see that they were wrong.
But as for right now and this day,
we just have to take a breath and be strong.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Sing to Breath

The mother pulls out the camera.
The toddler smiles and gives a cute wink.
"Come on baby doll, smile at me and sing."
She opens her mouth and there is silence
and she sings with no care in the world.

Then all of the sudden she's in middle school.
She never talks and never makes eye contact,
but when she is given a solo in chorus
that is the one thing she will do no matter what...
she will sing with no care in the world.

Then she has to save money for her life long dreams.
Singing at bowling allies and bars
with mean, cruel, hate filled people
telling her what to do, and what to say
and they make her sing with no care in the world.

In the car and then a CRASH!!!!!


Laying in a hospital bed lifeless and dull.
Her young daughters come in and say
Mommy, mommy please don't go!!!"
She wanted to calm there tears,
but all she could do for them was
sing to them like she had no care in the world.

And she is in heaven now singing
With Them ..........For Them
To Them........ Because of Them
and doing it with no care in the world.