Saturday, July 2, 2011

Meet me in my Life

She said, "Meet me at my party,
and we'll have a fun time."
He said, "OK, but then
you have to meet me at mine."

"Meet me at the prom
and we"ll dance the night a way",
he told her as he
handed her a big bouquet.

"Meet me at the temple doors
right before we go in,
Hold my hand as we walk
into the place that has no sin."

"Meet me in the hospital
as I hold our first child.
Help me to be calm,
gentle and mild."

"Meet me at the school
where our lives used to linger
as we watch our growing up daughter
slip through our fingers."

"Meet me at our daughter's house
where we watch her kids play,
and we remember our little daughter
like it was just yesterday."

"Meet me in Heaven
because we'll be there for awhile
and we'll be together
and that will make us smile."

1 comment:

  1. Since I was gone for a while I deiced to do a long one. I will be back on my regular schedule now.
